CanWe - Complete Re-brand and go-to-market strategy

CanWe hired me as their fractional Product Marketing Manager back when they were still Parallel. There was a lot going on back then — they had a beta-stage app that was readily available, some ad campaigns that were running on social, and some early data from user testers.

There were a lot of things that needed to be address, but overlaying all of it was a fundamental flaw that I noticed right away: their branding did not match with their product’s positioning.

So we went back to the drawing board, tabled ads, and started working with a design team. We knew from their early testing that this was a product with a very specific audience, and that over time, that audience would need to evolve. We needed branding that wasn’t hyper-specific to romance, but still alluded to connection.

After tons of research and testing, I worked with a designer to develop a new brand name, color palette, logo, and wordmark.

Before we could move ahead with more ad spending, a messaging overhaul, and ultimately a re-brand, I needed to get a handle on which channels specifically it made sense for this early stage relationships app to move into targeting.

Though the technology itself wasn’t highly disruptive, the simple fact was that the app’s value prop was muddled by the fact that it had the potential to make an already uncomfortable situation (such as early dating) even more uncomfortable. We had to figure out who to go to market with who was willing to push through this discomfort because of how much they valued what the app would do, but who wasn’t so direct that they would feel the app was unnecessary.

After extensive interviews with who we hypothesized was the app’s target early adopter market, we were able to confirm that the value prop of this app would get faster traction with LGBTQ+ daters.

We set to work on a combination strategy that would pull digital content elements into the in-person dating scene, leveraging some cost-effective guerilla tactics alongside social ad and native dating app ad campaigns.

Before we could move ahead with more ad spending, a messaging overhaul, and ultimately a re-brand, I needed to get a handle on which channels specifically it made sense for this early stage relationships app to move into targeting.

Though the technology itself wasn’t highly disruptive, the simple fact was that the app’s value prop was muddled by the fact that it had the potential to make an already uncomfortable situation (such as early dating) even more uncomfortable. We had to figure out who to go to market with who was willing to push through this discomfort because of how much they valued what the app would do, but who wasn’t so direct that they would feel the app was unnecessary.

After extensive interviews with who we hypothesized was the app’s target early adopter market, we were able to confirm that the value prop of this app would get faster traction with LGBTQ+ daters.

We set to work on a combination strategy that would pull digital content elements into the in-person dating scene, leveraging some cost-effective guerilla tactics alongside social ad and native dating app ad campaigns.

Guerilla Marketing - Print Materials

Social Media Marketing


Joovy had an incredibly strong beginning, forging sales relationships with online and brick and mortar retailers early in their company’s founding. D2C sales had never been the company’s strong suit, and that was something they were looking to change. We started simply, first focusing on revamping their product copy to resonate more with their products’ intended users.

From there, we built a brand around the products (because they had a really, really good one). We told the company’s founding story, and pulled some of this fiery character into their site copy, producing a brand book to support future creative development.

I worked closely with Joovy’s CEO and his new Director of Marketing to develop campaigns, advise them on influencer partnerships, and lead the launch of their digital content machine, Joovy Magazine.

The star focus of this content strategy, the Caboose S tandem stroller, saw record-breaking sales. Conversion rates for this product’s campaigns were 3.5x higher than the rest of the site, and within six months, overall D2C revenue was up by 32%.


In addition to producing topic ideas and content for the co-founder, and then Brand Manager of the company, I handled lead gen and outreach for content partnerships. Here’s how that would work:

I’d do a little research on related companies to our niche, who weren’t competitors. These were mostly D2C CPG brands with a focus and a mission around sustainability.

I’d pitch the idea for a content partnership to the team. When they approved, I’d grab the founder’s email address and connect with them.

I’d often interview the founder of the company or nonprofit, record, and then transcribe that content, and use it to produce an editorial piece.

We’d publish the content, and the social team would share that content, tagging the other brand in the posts.

The other brand would sometimes share the content in return, in a show of reciprocity.

This was part of how Avocado grew in the beginning: partnerships with like minded brands, and always great, great content. Over the course of our first six months together, their social media audience grew by 400% using this strategy in conjunction with their PR.



“Often imitated, never duplicated – Destiny is a true original and was a pleasure to have on my team.”




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